
Cat Turds Will Get You Laid More

By Steve King Apr 5, 2022 | 9:06 AM

Just so we are all clear, Toxoplasmosis (also known as Toxoplasma gondii) is a parasite, so it really isn’t something any of us want. You can get it by eating under-cooked food, drinking water, not washing your hands after gardening, getting a tainted blood transfusion…or accidentally swallowing it when you come in contact with cat feces.

This is a warning to any of you nasty fuckers who don’t wash you hands when you go to the bathroom or clean the cat box, you can get this parasite and it CAN do some damage to your body. Sometimes it could feel like the flu, but Things like blurry vision, eye redness and other eye issues are pretty common, but it can cause brain damage.

But wait…what else can cat feces do? It can get you laid more often because it messes with your hormones, where others find you more attractive.

And there is the scientific data that shows, that the more sexual partners you have, the more the parasite is passed along.

How the hell did scientists come up with this theory? They fed infected rats to cats. The rats were less afraid of the cats. The scientists then analyzed a group of people who were infected with Toxoplasma gondii and the findings were odd:

  • 1/3 of those people were perceived as more attractive after the infection
  • 1/5 were actually healthier, according to their doctors
  • Women found they weighed 10% less than before the infection
  • Men have elevated testosterone levels
  • One theory is that Toxoplasma gondii will make you burn more calories

All of these odd findings does NOT give us carte blanc to eat cat turds, or it is a smart idea to not wash you hands after unloading the cat’s shit-box.

It does tell us…well…um…Toxoplasma gondii can kill you, but if you do have it, you will take a dirt nap with “happy hormones”  (which are serotonin and dopamine).

Hell, I don’t know what we learned here.