How many times have you heard people talking about the “End Of Times”. Well, we may be, maybe not…but, they way shit is going in the world, one could only hope that that an asteroid could be headed our way and put us all out of our misery.
You may have seen the videos of flying spiders in Australia and you were gladĀ those things are on another continent.
Try again…
We have our own flying spiders that are now on the East Coast of the USA. They are called Joro…and these things are VERY big…and poisonous.
Great, right?
First off, these little bastards are the size of your hand, so they aren’t exactly “little” and they are moving Westward. So far, they are as far as Georgia and creating golden webs that are be as much as 10 feet thick. Their webs are also used as a sort of parachute that will carry them by the wind to their next location, where they spin their webs, lay eggs and fly on.
Why they are spiders, they are said to look very brilliant…notice I didn’t say “cute”. They are also know as “invasive” because they are multiplying at a high rate and hard to control.
Yes, they are poisonous, but only to small insects, so you and I have nothing , medically, to worry about.
Here is the kicker, even their are hard to control, big and freakishly can fly, they are actually good for the ecosystem. So, there is that…I guess