
Dumbass Of The Day: The Irony Of A DUI

By News Sep 7, 2020 | 9:01 AM

Every holiday, you see the commercials, the street signs, the digital signs, etc, “Don’t Drink And Drive”. Of course, we all know this and think, “naw, I can handle it”.

Guess what? You can’t.  And even if you do make it home in one piece and you didn’t cause problems on your way there, you are playing with fire. Then add in things like talking on the phone while you are driving drunk, your chances of  having an accident go up exponentially….like this guy from Florida.

Our dumbass today decided to do both, drink and drive and talk on his phone. Guess what? You guessed it, he had an accident. While he is lucky that he didn’t hurt anyone, or himself, his car on the other hand, well, he had some major damage from hitting a digital sign trailer. He ended up calling the police after his accident and was charged with a DUI and destruction of public property.

The sign he ran into said “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”.

THAT is the definition of irony, my friends.


Source:NBC 2