As if rewarded for enduring several inches of snow, 70-degree temperature swings, and flash blizzard conditions, Lincoln residents can look forward to rising temperatures and sunny skies over the weekend and through the end of the workweek (March 10–14).
It began as a mid-February cold snap, bringing Lincoln a frigid week of snow emergencies, canceled classes, and dangerous subzero temperatures. A Nebraska State Trooper tragically lost his life while helping motorists on I-80. Before the city could acclimate, temperatures sheered back into the 50s and 60s. Omaha’s KMTV reported an 81-degree swing in just five days. Then, the pendulum swung again — Lincoln gritted through a chaotic overnight blizzard a week later.
Chaos, thy name is Nebraska weather. That’s why good news from Meteorologist Michaela Wood with the National Weather Service is especially welcome.
On Friday (Mar. 7), Lincoln will wade through a light wintry mix with relatively warm temperatures… “but on the bright side, that’s our last snow chance for the foreseeable future.”
“We do have temperatures gradually rising into the weekend. We’ll see the 40s and 50s on Saturday and Sunday, and then to start the next work week, we could even hit the 70s,” said Wood.
And temperatures will not be plummeting mid-week either, believe it or not. Wood says “it looks like it’s going to be a gorgeous week,” as highs will range between the upper 50s to the 70s through at least next Thursday.
Evidently, all good things must come to an end. Wood says there could be some precipitation chances moving in towards the end of the workweek and into next weekend (Mar. 14-16).
“But still a lot of uncertainty in that part,” she said, thankfully. “At least it looks like a beautiful stretch in between!”