
Blood Drive Honors Fallen LPD Investigator Mario Herrera

By Tom Stanton Sep 5, 2024 | 2:28 PM
The 12 Days of Hope blood drive in honor of fallen LPD Investigator Mario Herrera was held Thursday at 9th and H Streets.  August 26 marked four years since Herrera was shot in the line of duty. He died from his injuries 12 days later on September 7.
During his hospitalization, Mario received many blood transfusions.  Longtime friends and colleagues of Herrera joined residents in helping supply the vital resource of blood to our community today.  Officer Matt Stegman worked with Herrera for nearly 20 years and was among the first to roll up his sleeve Thursday morning.
“I’m a frequent blood donor, but I did it for Mario.  We were good friends, he was a great officer,” Stegman says.   “Since his passing, I’ve always thought how important it is to donate blood to people who need it.”
Stegman says Herrera would have been one of the first to step up and donate blood for someone in need.  “He would be so proud of us.  Mario would be in here donating blood and cracking jokes, and making fun of me most of all.”
If you couldn’t make it today you can donate blood at one of NCBB’s four donor centers in Lincoln and Omaha throughout September in honor of the 9/11 Day of Service.  The public is being asked for their service to honor first responders who died on September 11.  LPD asks that you use the code word “SERVICE” when scheduling a donation time through your Hero Hub profile: https://www.ncbbherohub.club/donor/auth/signin