Cancer Partners of Nebraska

Classic Car & Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser Set for Friday

By Chase Porter Jul 25, 2024 | 10:34 AM

A unique fundraising duo is helping local cancer patients in need this Friday.

Cancer and Urology Partners of Nebraska & the Lincoln firefighters union (IAFF Local #644) will be hosting their 3rd annual ‘Cars & Cornhole’ fundraiser at the April Sampson Cancer Center (4101 Tiger Lily Rd.) starting at 5 p.m. on July 26th.

Benefits from the the exciting classic car show and the cornhole tournament will go to benefit local cancer patients and kids in Lincoln.

Registration for cornhole teams is still open. Registration information can be found here. Bags start flying at 6 pm. There will be practice boards open at 5 pm. Signs will be posted for parking information.

“You can choose if you wanna be competitive, or if you wanna be on the amateur bracket, of just come out and see the cars and have a burger,” said Jen Rathman, Communications Manager for Cancer Partners of Nebraska on LNK Today.

There will be food, adult beverages, and dozens of classic cars to enjoy — courtesy of the Rebels Auto Club.