Here is why I don’t give a fuck, because the more “uncool” I am told that I am, the more I am going be that way in front of my teenage son and my teenage niece.
Why? (you may ask), because as a good father, there are 2 things I strive to be in life:
- As I get older, become a burden on my family
- Be an embarrassment to my kids, which means being uncool.
Aside from walking out of a restaurant, telling everyone, at pretty much every table that I am my son’s father while pointing at him, farting out loud and blaming it on him (regardless of where we are), I have learned there are more ways to embarrass them, with the mere movement of my hand.
From what I have just learned from PerspectusGlobal hand gestures are now the uncool thing. No, I don’t mean the “thumbs up” emoji (which is also deemed uncool.) I am talk about actual hand gestures like
- The air guitar
- Double Thumbs Up
- The Fist Pump
- Single finger to tell people to be quite
Lyn Lomasi / CC
These are just a few of the hand gestures, you could use to “trigger” a Gen-Z’er to think you are “uncool”…and if you are like me, you are thinking…GOOD!
There are more, check them out here: PerspectusGlobal