
Have You Eaten While On The Toilet? 30% Of Adults Have

By Steve King Mar 18, 2022 | 8:55 AM

Let’s be honest, most of us have have camped out in the crapper with our phones. We play games, we read emails, flip through the news, have had a text message with friends…or in my case, record the sounds that happen in the porcelain throne and send the audio to my friends.  (Not kidding)

Most of those things, aren’t odd. It harkens back to the days of bring the newspaper with us into the john (and in many times, leaving newsprint on your legs). But what about eating while you are taking a dump?

Now, THAT is something that we all may say is disgusting. But 30% of us do it.

No shit (yes, pun intended)

Why do people do this?

According to Psychologist Jo Hemmings, ““Sometimes, simply just snacking away from others can give you a moment of peace to enjoy something in its purest form.”

Now that statement also includes the 20% who have eaten in the bath, the 20% who get hungry and start eating while having sex (hmm…I hear fetish ALL over that one) and the 10% who have hidden out in a tool shed.

But wait…there’s more…

1 in 5 people have taken food out of the garbage and eaten it.


The same Psychologist, gives the excuse, “While many reach for snacks as a comforting habit, others would prefer people not to know about their cravings – either way, the locations speak for themselves, of the lengths people will go to have a quick bite.”

So, now that we have established that humans are pretty nasty creatures, the only question left is…what are we eating when we do these in these odd and disgusting locales…and where we procure our sustenance?

Most people are opting for things that are good for us…like the 22% who prefer chicken bites. But other trash and toilet favorites are chips, candy, and bread products. Many people have even made a sandwich for their gnarly excursion, or taken one out of the trash to eat.

SWNSDigital has made a list that has discovered the top locales to dirty dine. If you want to see if your favorite location is on the list, check this out here.

You will find that most of us eat while we are driving, though most eat in bed.

I am sure, you will find the list quite entertaining…you nasty bastards.

Source: SWNSDigital