I am all about having vanity plates on my vehicles. They don’t cost much and just plain fun to have. Hell, I have one on all my vehicles.
Of all the plates I wish the state of Nebraska would allow (which they won’t) is “FART”…I checked on the DMV website:
BUT one woman gets to have one that says “FART”…in Asheville, NC. She isn’t supposed to have it, but the state DMV is allowing her to keep it, though she can’t use it as a plate for her truck.
Confused yet?
From what the DMV has said, they accidentally issued it. She has tried to appeal the decisions and has a group called ASheville Recreational Trails in her corner, but sadly, they still said “no”.
Well, I give her an “A” for effort and the DMV, I give you this from Monty Python: