Bryan Health announced Wednesday they will be relaxing the COVID-19 visitor police effective March 1st. Due to the pandemic, only 2 visitors per day per patient were allowed.
Bryan Chief Medical Officer said, “Having support people, families come to be with their loved ones who are hospitalized, how that promotes communications, how that promotes a continuity of care, discharge planning, understanding of what’s going on…that can’t be undervalued.”
Valet service will resume March 7th and surgeries that may require an overnight stay have already resumed.
Bob Ravenscroft, Vice President for Advancement reported Bryan has over 99% of its workforce fully compliant with vaccination requirements. Ravenscroft said, “At the present time we only have 12 employees that have not complied and retaining their employment is in jeopardy at the moment,”
Ravenscroft added a couple of those employees are on maternity leave and plan to become compliant when they return.
Employees who have been working remotely will be returning to their respective office locations beginning February 27th.